Qu’est-ce-qui agace le plus les clients ? Alors que toutes les études récentes mettent l’accent sur la qualité insuffisante des services clients, le cabinet Accenture, dans l’édition 2013 de son enquête annuelle Global Consumer Pulse Research 2013 , révèle les principales causes de frustrations des consommateurs lors de leurs expériences avec les services clients. Des […]
Trust+: A driver for Quality in Customer Care
CONSUMER FRUSTRATION IS RISING Getting poor quality customer service is common, but what annoys consumers the most? The 2013 Global Consumer Research report by Accenture does some delving. Top of the frustration charts was the need to contact a company multiple times to get their issue addressed. Being put on hold for a long time […]
$5.9 Trillion at Play: Accenture Research Highlights How Poor Customer Service Causes Consumers to Switch
SWITCHING ECONOMY New research by Accenture highlights how poor service is causing consumers to switch providers on a huge scale, estimating “$5.9 trillion of revenues at play, with $1.4 trillion in North America alone”. The research shows: In all industry sectors, there is a decline in key customer experience metrics, including overall satisfaction, intent to purchase […]
Lancement de ServeMeBest en France
Pour la première fois, les entreprises et les organisations françaises peuvent proposer à leurs clients d’avoir accès et de conserver les enregistrements de leurs appels téléphoniques, offrant ainsi un nouveau niveau de transparence dans la relation client. ServeMeBest annonce qu’il a confié à Valmaison la distribution exclusive de son service pour la France. Pour la […]
ServeMeBest Customer Care Transparency Service Launches in France
For the first time, French organizations can share call recordings with their callers, bringing a new level of customer service transparency. ServeMeBest announced that it had appointed Valmaison as its exclusive reseller in France. For the young technology company, this marks its first expansion in Europe outside of Germany. Valmaison will immediately offer the full […]