New certification programme will enable customer service organisations to show evidence of unprecedented openness in operations.
In a joint announcement, ServeMeBest and AJA Benelux have launched an innovative Customer Service Transparency Standard (CSTS). For the first time, it is possible to get independent certification of customer service transparency, a vital indicator of quality in service provision. The new standard details the compliance steps that organisations can take, which include the provision of a public transparency policy, identification of staff members by name, and the sharing of call recordings with callers.
“Bad service is destroying consumer trust” says ServeMeBest founder Ali Al Khaja. “The natural response is to switch providers. This new standard will let the top quality organisations stand out from the others, and gain the benefits”.
The new standard comes at a time when many organisations are investing in technology and services to cater for emerging customer care channels, especially mobile. Several studies, including Accenture’s Global Consumer Pulse Research, have described the risks of degrading the consumer experience in this multi-channel world, and rising customer frustration with poor quality telephone support.
The CSTS is designed for public and private organisations of any size, worldwide, and is available immediately from ServeMeBest and AJA for an annual fee starting at €1500. The standard is administered exclusively by AJA, who perform audits remotely, to minimise compliance costs. With certification, the organisation gains the right to display the “Certified Transparent” brand on websites and marketing communications. AJA Benelux is part of the AJA Group, a worldwide third party registrar, and a Praxity member with offices in 34 countries.
Louis Coomans, AJA Benelux Managing Partner, believes there is a demand for the new standard. “Every day we see the benefits of independent certification on organisational quality – and for the public perception” said Mr Coomans. “We administer ISO certification for thousands of companies, and I can see many of them wanting to get certified for transparency”.
ServeMeBest is a technology company that creates tools to enable organisations bring real transparency to customer interactions. The ServeMeBest suite includes Trust+, which enables call recordings to be shared with callers, and Survey+, which gathers instant feedback after customer contacts. ServeMeBest holds US patents and EU patent pending applications in call recording applications.